Thursday, September 22, 2011

Swenke Dolphins 25 – Birkes Eagles 7 Game #2

 Dolphin Football time!! 2nd game of the season and the kids are ready to go! Jacob is so ready to go that we now have to DVR Monday Night Football so he can learn the moves!
 The Blog has now gone out to all the Dolphin football parents, I hope you enjoy the pictures of the team. Please feel free to share the link with your family if you would like. If there are pictures of your kiddos that you would like to have; you should be able to right click on them and save them to your computer and then just send them wherever you get your pictures done, Shutterfly, Walmart ect..
Here's the games against Birkes! Last years Super Bowl Champions!
Jacob has his game face on!
Mickayla, Carly, Brooke and Jordan
Yelling!! By far her favorite part!

I think this is the very first play of the game.......
Yes, I just scored!!

Dolphin offense set and ready
Those 2 Birke's boys don't stand a chance
Love all the boy's faces in this one

Time for a water break
I'm sure Coach is telling Jacob what a nice, sweet boy he was on the field!

Brett has got Jacob's back
I just love how all the boys stand there forever with the flag in the air.

So, what do you think is running through Brent's mind right about now?
Nathan, Kohen and Jacob during an injury break
Go Layton!!

Ty's turn! On the ground and he still gets the flag!
Meeting of the Minds!
Emma and Lauren

Get em' Nathan!
Oh yeah boy in white! Your done!

3 flag pulling machines!! Jacob, Ty and Layton.
Plenty of open field for Reese to run!
Cheering for our boys!

Luke! I swear I think he poses for these shots!
See how good our Dolphin's are.....even the girls are watching the game!
Layton, Ty and Mason have very serious football faces!
No problem for Reese! That kid is not going anywhere!
Cheer huddle! Love the bows!

Excuse me, coming through!!
Oh my gosh! That poor little kid doesn't stand a chance!
Branson with his eyes on the prize!
Touchdown Dolphins!! Great run Branson!

#12, this is should just sit down now!
Jordan shaking her pom poms during the half time dance

McKinlee, Emma and Nicole
Elena jumping for the sky!
Lauren, Jordan and Carly having so much fun!
A little half time Lollipop! The girls gave on to all the football players as well. A much needed sugar rush!
Love their buckets! So fancy!
She's got spirit!

Faith and Jordan
This was an amazing run to watch. Several cuts in different directions! That boy has got some serious moves!

Jacob protecting his buddy!
Silly boys! Celebrating the touchdown!

The Chest Bump!!
Jacob with his eyes on that ball, I think he has a smirk on his face!
I just love that she is having such a good time cheering.

Go Reese!
This is NOT going to end well!

Love this shot of Branson. He looks so tough!
Keep your eyes OPEN Jacob!!

Didn't seem to bother him! He did catch a pass for a 2 point conversion later in the game! To busy actually watching it to take a picture.
Our 2011 Dolphin Cheerleaders!

A little after the game Oreos!
Loving the hair Jacob!

Luke played an awesome game today!
Finally got a shot of Josh where he wasn't upside down!

Teammates and friends!


Aunty Cathy said...

Love all the orange hair! What great team spirit!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. The grandparents in Tennessee say thank you for your hard work. Can't wait to see more.

Brandi said...

This is amazing, love all the captions with the pics! Thanks so much for sharing!!!